lunes, 8 de febrero de 2010

A Very Peaceful Day!

For Peace Day this year, our students learned
about the importance of helping one another.
The oldest and youngest students mixed classes
to create beautiful projects --
here you can see them working
together on boxes they
will fill with love and hugs!

They may be making a mess, but it´s all in the name of peace! Plus it´s a pretty box, isn´t it?

Free kisses! Free hugs! Peace Day reminds us
that we should always show others how much we care for them.

Here some first and fifth graders work together to make matching Peace Day shirts, complete with doves and hopeful words.

Look at the finished projects!
Hand-in-hand the students call it
an end to a very successful day.

"Together we cultivate peace" --

for Peace Day 2010, we planted the seeds to do just that!

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