martes, 2 de junio de 2015

Electricity projects

Experiments 5º

martes, 26 de mayo de 2015

Electrical circuits. 6ºA

martes, 19 de mayo de 2015

Oral presentations 5º

domingo, 12 de abril de 2015

Science 5ºB Protecting the Environment

5B was learning about ways to protect and help the environment. They did various projects to describe how we can help. They talked about endangered species, littering, and much more!

miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2015

Weather. 5years

Months ot the year. 5years

Days of the week. 5years

Calendar. 5years

martes, 24 de febrero de 2015

School trip to Barajas Airport

Year 6 visited the airport this month!

We learned about how an engine works and the effect flying has on the environment. 

We were given lots of behind the scenes information and went on a grounded plane. We looked inside the cockpit and later made kites to test out what we had learned.

viernes, 2 de enero de 2015